Frequently Asked Questions
Reference Number is a unique registration number of the outbound bank transfer.
This number may be required to identify the payment.
Reference Number you can find out from the sender of payment.
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is an international account number. It is designed for EUR transfers between 36 Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) member countries.
SEPA transfers take 1-2 business days only. Wire Transfer can require up to 5 business days. In addition, the incoming transfer acceptance procedure could take a bank another business day.
Wire Transfer is a popular type of monetary transfers through Xprowire. The structure of such a transfer includes Sender, Beneficiary and Intermediate getting commission for the services provided. Monetary transfers could be domestic (within a state) or international (between the banks based in different countries).
In case if a payment has not been credited to your Xprowire account within the defined time, please check the section «Unrecognized Payments». Please check here how to avoid your payment going to «Unrecognized Payments». If the payment you are expecting is not within «Unrecognized», please: Require a bank confirmation of submitted payment from your Sender
Internal transfer is available in your Online XPWORIEW account under «Other Services» → «Instant Internal Transfer». You can receive payment from another client in currencies USD, EUR. In order to receive it, the sender should provide your IBAN number. Internal transfer instructions of all types (P2P, B2P, B2B) get immediate automatic clearance. However, internal transfer may have an «In Progress» status till it is confirmed in Online account of Receiver. In case if Receiver will not accept the transfer, the funds will be credited back to the account of Sender.
If the payment is cancelled, the money will be returned to your account. If the transaction was in “Pending” status, it will disappear from the list and the amount will be immediately in your account. If the transaction was made, the amount will be returned as a separate transaction.
No, you cannot receive payments from individuals.
You can have access to bank transfer details once the registration and verification procedures are completed.
It may happen if:
- You copy some extra symbols together with the password. Try to enter the password manually.
- A letter with a new password went to the Spam folder.
If none of the above is your case, please contact our Support Team at support@xprowire.com.
Please check your Spam folder. Other reason could be an incorrect e-mail address provided. Please contact out Support Team at support@xprowire.com.
Please contact our Support Team at support@xprowire.com requiring new OTP-code . Kinldy note that only the registered email can receive such information.
In order to proceed with account closing please contact us via email at support@xprowire.com